
How To Check Input Lag On Controller

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Besides depression frame rates and stuttering, another major factor that tin ruin your whole gaming experience is the input lag. Input lag or latency in games is defined as the time betwixt the input controller (mouse/keyboard, etc.) is triggered past you, and its effect is seen on the monitor screen. In another definition, input lag can also be defined equally the delay between the GPU sending the frame to the monitor and the monitor displaying it.

Input lag is measured in milliseconds (ms), and in some cases, it can also specify in frames. In story-based games, office-playing games (RPG), and slow-paced games, input lag does non make that much of a difference, but in fast-paced FPS games (CS:Get, PUBG, Overwatch, etc.), competitive games, and esports games, it matters a lot and y'all should always try to keep the input lag as low every bit possible because if you lot accept higher input lag, and then competitors with lower input lag can have a meaning reward over you as they can make a move faster than you lot.

How to Measure Input Lag

The almost common fashion to measure out input lag is using a high-speed or normal digital camera and so recording the time between the input you have triggered on the mouse/keyboard and its effect or activeness is seen on the monitor screen. This method involves a lot of work that includes analyzing the frames and then accurately measuring the time between them using a stopwatch. It is also not the most accurate method because information technology may add together upwards additional lag when yous have to beginning and stop the stopwatch. The full input lag is the measure out of input lag due to the game plus input lag due to other devices and components.

Total Input Lag = Game Input Lag + Monitor Display Lag + Input Lag due to Mouse/Keyboard

How much Input Lag is considered Good?

There is no generalized reply to this question because input lag depends on many factors that include the game, monitor, controller (in the case of the wireless device), and how powerful your CPU and graphics card is. Also, some users are very sensitive to input lag, while some don't even detect input lag unless it is essentially higher. If yous are a competitive gamer, so you lot should always strive to keep it under 10ms, and if yous are playing normal games, then anything under 25ms is pretty adept. Input lag over 40ms is not good, and you may start to feel lag in the gameplay.

Input Lag Games
Below 10ms For competitive gaming (FPS, Arcade, etc.) and eSports
Below 25ms Pretty proficient for normal gaming
Above 30ms Not proficient for competitive gaming and above 40ms is on the higher side

Input Lag vs. Pixel Response Time

About people confuse Pixel Response Time with Input Lag, but both are totally different things. Pixel Response Time is the time taken by a pixel on a monitor to change its colour from 1 to some other while input lag is the fourth dimension between the input is triggered or activated from a controller by you, and the corresponding action is reflected on the screen. Pixel response is as well specified in milliseconds (ms) and is associated with ghosting and motion blur. Then, if the pixel response time of your monitor is on the college side, and then you will experience ghosting in fast-paced games or whenever yous make a quick move. On the other manus, input lag is associated with a delay in the response on the screen whenever you printing a button or key on the input controller (mouse/keyboard). As I take told you before, both are different things and are contained of each other, and it is ever preferable to keep both of them as low equally possible for an enjoyable and smoother gaming feel.

Phenomenon Effect / Activity
Pixel Response Time Ghosting, Movement Blur
Input Lag Delay when the input controller is pressed, and the respective action is reflected on the screen, Lag feeling

Factors that Affect Input Lag

Here are the various factors that bear on input lag in PC games.


V-Sync or vertical sync is a technology or setting that locks the game FPS to your monitor'southward refresh rate. This ways if you accept a 60Hz refresh charge per unit monitor, then enabling V-Sync will lock your game frame rate to threescore FPS only. V-Sync helps to reduce screen trigger-happy in games by synchronizing the game FPS to the refresh charge per unit of the monitor. V-Sync only works well when your GPU is powerful enough to deliver frame rates greater than the monitor'due south refresh rate and if the frame rate drops beneath the refresh rate, and then information technology induces a lot of input lag and cuts the original FPS in almost half. However, even when the graphics carte du jour is capable enough to continue the FPS above the monitor's refresh rate, V-Sync does introduce some input delay in all games. V-Sync can be turned on or off in the in-game graphics menu and from the driver's control panel. The input lag introduced by the in-game V-Sync and graphics driver 5-Sync tin vary every bit one may introduce a greater or lower input lag depending on the game. So, if you want to reduce input lag in games, and so it is better to plough off V-Sync completely and use other techniques to lock the frame charge per unit that involves using a frame rate limiter software.

Frame Rate (FPS)

Another thing that hugely affects input lag is the frame rate in games. If you are getting lower FPS in games, then yous will accept college input lag. Conversely, if your game FPS is high, then input lag will exist lower. So, input lag is likewise in sync with the FPS you are getting in the games.


Wireless Mouse and keyboards exercise introduce additional latency and input lag because of their college polling charge per unit and response time. Notwithstanding, modern-24-hour interval gaming wireless mice and keyboards have become much better, and they come with college polling rate and response time of 1000Hz and 1ms, respectively, and they are as fast equally their wired counterparts. Also, if yous accept a cheaper mouse, and then it is possible that it has a lower polling rate and response time, and can this cause additional input lag in the game.

Polling Rate (Hertz) Response Time (millisecond)
1000 Hz one ms
500 Hz ii ms
250 Hz 4 ms
120 Hz 8 ms

*Polling Rate ways how many times per second the mouse reports its position to the computer, and the corresponding response time reflects the lag associated with information technology. For case, a polling charge per unit of 250Hz ways that the mouse reports its position 250 times per second to the computer. Higher the polling rate, the meliorate the accuracy and response time, which is very important in gaming.

Monitor Brandish Lag

The lag introduced by the monitor is called Brandish Lag which adds to the input lag in a game. This display lag is introduced because of the time involved to process an image by the monitor hardware. CRT monitors accept extremely low Input lag because there is a minimum amount of image processing involved every bit the image does not have to be stored and it is outputted direct to the screen using the electron gun, just in modernistic-day LCD monitors, input lag is relatively more because here the image is first stored in the buffer, and later that, various processing is done, e.1000., scaling, adding overlay, adjusting colors & effulgence, etc. earlier it is displayed onto the screen.

The display lag in modern-day LCD monitors is dependent on the hardware information technology has and the faster the hardware and its processing, the lower the input lag is. The input lag of gaming monitors is significantly lower than that of regular monitors. The display lag of a monitor is also expressed in milliseconds (ms). The input lag of a high-cease gaming monitor tin be as low equally 3ms at native resolution. The manufacturers don't listing the input lag of the monitors but only the pixel response time. All the same, there are some websites like and that exam the input lag of monitors. So, you can bank check the input lag of pop monitors on these websites.

Network Lag

If you play online multiplayer games and use a wireless router for network or internet connexion, then yous can confront input lag, technically called network lag in such games because wireless devices practice accept college latencies. Moreover, if your internet connectedness has higher Ping or latency in general, then also it induces network lag or delays in such online games.

Pinnacle Tips to Reduce Input Lag in Games

Beneath are the various ways by which yous can reduce input lag in games for a smooth gaming experience.

Disable Five-Sync

The first stride to reducing input lag in games is to disable V-Sync completely. V-Sync can be enabled alone or can be used with variable refresh technologies like One thousand-Sync and FreeSync to eliminate screen tearing in games for smoother gameplay. You can enable or disable basic V-Sync in the in-game graphics settings or the commuter's command console settings. If yous want to utilise V-Sync because you are facing terrible screen tearing in the game, then yous tin can utilise advanced Five-Sync technologies like Nvidia FastSync and AMD Adaptive Five-Sync which works better than normal V-Sync and introduces less input lag. Another great option to cap your frame rate is to apply a frame charge per unit limiter software like RTSS that introduces negligible input lag (1ms or so).

Lower/Disable Graphics Settings

Yous can lower the in-game graphics settings and resolution, to achieve maximum FPS in games. The higher your game FPS, the lower will exist your input lag is unless information technology is afflicted or limited by other factors. You tin as well disable some advanced graphics settings such equally ambient occlusion, dynamic reflections, triple buffering, etc., and setting shadow details that may assistance in reducing input lag in some games.

Low Latency Mode in Drivers

Nvidia and AMD drivers do provide boosted settings that tin can be enabled to reduce the input lag in games. In Nvidia, it is the Ultra-Low Latency Mode that is based on the Maximum Pre-rendered frame functionality, used in the older drivers, and in AMD, it is Radeon Anti-Lag that helps to lower input lag in games. Information technology must exist noted that some games may react strangely when these low latency modes are enabled, and y'all may lose out on operation as they can reduce the frame rate in some cases. Moreover, low latency style may not always atomic number 82 to a reduction of input lag in some games. So, information technology is always meliorate to test these settings in each game and not rely on them blindly for lowering input lag.

Ultra-Depression Latency Mode (Nvidia Drivers)

The Low Latency Mode in Nvidia drivers can be enabled by going to Nvidia Control Panel->Manage 3D settings. Hither, locate the Low Latency Manner selection, and then in the drop-down, select On or Ultra depending on your requirements. Click on Apply and and then test information technology by playing the game.


Radeon Anti-Lag (AMD Drivers)

Radeon Anti-Lag work past synchronizing the CPU operation with the graphics card and so that it does non get manner ahead of the GPU, reducing the amount of CPU work queued up. Information technology supports GCN and newer GPUs and works simply with DirectX 9, DirectX 11, and Vulkan APIs. Radeon Anti-Lag can be enabled by going to the contour section in the Radeon Drivers Software Menu.


Frame Rate Capping

Capping frame rate may or may not affect input lag in games. This is a topic of huge debate and has mixed results. In some games, capping of frame rate or FPS can lower input lag to a pregnant level, and in some games, it can increase it. You can cap the frame rate in games using the in-game FPS limiter or using the tertiary-party FPS limiters similar RTSS or Riva tuner Statistics Server. Always avoid any type of V-Sync setting to cap frame charge per unit considering it always increases the input lag, no matter what. Frame rate capping can exist combined with G-Sync / FreeSync and Depression latency fashion in commuter settings to lower the input lag further. Frame rate capping lowers the GPU usage or utilization, and you should know this. So, y'all can try capping frame rate in games to see if information technology reduces the input lag or increases information technology.

Get Wired

If y'all practise non want to have additional input lag, then get wired for everything. It means ever employ a gaming-class wired mouse and keyboard for playing games and make sure that they are set to 1ms or 1000MHz polling rate. Also, if y'all play online games, then attempt to avert wireless connections and always employ an Ethernet cable for the internet or network. However, if you still want to go to the wireless route, then it is improve to buy a gaming wireless mouse & keyboard with a 1ms response time and a gaming dual-band wireless router that provides super quick latency.

Disable HDR & Overdrive

If your games and monitor support HDR and Overdrive, and then you may want to disable these options to reduce input lag in games.

Use Fullscreen Mode

Always use fullscreen mode when gaming because window and borderless window mode practice add some amount of input lag in some games.

Windows Tweak

Yous may endeavor a small Windows tweak to gear up the game priority to the highest so that it gets the highest priority by the operating system. You can do this by going to Task Manager>Details>game.exe>Set Priority>Loftier. Here game.exe is the executable game file specific to the game, eastward.g., overwatch.exe, csgo.exe, etc. Another matter that you tin endeavour is to set the Windows Power Programme to High Performance mode by going to Control console->Power Options.

Disable HPET

High Precision Event Timer (HPET) may cause input lag in some systems. You can disable/enable HPET by going to the BIOS settings.

Upgrade to Better Monitor

If you have an older LCD monitor that has horrendous input lag, then you cannot do anything to reduce information technology unless yous buy a new monitor with lower input and higher refresh charge per unit. As I have stated earlier that manufacturers don't listing the input lag of the monitors only but the pixel response time. And so, to find a monitor with lower input lag, y'all tin visit monitor review websites such as,, and

Tip: Generally, monitors with G-Sync hardware modules have much lower input lag and response fourth dimension compared to others. Also, don't game on TV because it has a much higher input lag than a computer monitor. However, if yous game on TV and want to reduce input lag and then enable the 'game manner' option on information technology if information technology has i.

Upgrade Hardware

If you take a weaker CPU and Graphics Card, then yous will encounter many bug such as higher input lag, lower FPS, and stuttering. Here, the merely matter yous can practice is upgrade your hardware which mainly includes the processor, motherboard, memory, and most importantly, the graphics card.

Meet also:

  • How to Gear up Low GPU Usage in Games
  • How to Fix 100% CPU Usage in Games
  • How to Set Stuttering in Games
  • How to Fix CPU Bottleneck in Games
  • How to Fix GPU Bottleneck in Games

Final Words

Input lag may not exist a matter of too much business organisation for average gamers, but for competitive and professional gamers, it is a pretty big problem. The extent of input lag in games is dependent on many factors, and there is no unmarried quick gear up to improve it every bit you have to approach it holistically. If you play games on TV, then input lag is comparatively higher than an average monitor. Even a mediocre corporeality of input lag does not carp most mainstream gamers, only if it is significantly higher, then it can pretty much ruin the whole gaming feel. Then, it is always advisable to proceed it as low as possible to avoid unneeded badgerer in games. If you take anything to add together hither or have whatever queries, then feel complimentary to use the comment section below.

How To Check Input Lag On Controller,


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