Ever since Runewords take been introduced in Diablo 2 , Set up and even Unique items took a backseat and gave way to the more powerful endgame tools. True enough, they're the near expensive and rarest items in the game. All the same, that doesn't mean Unique weapons take gone out of mode completely. In fact, certain Unique items fifty-fifty enable some of the top builds in the game.

Some of them are simply as well universal not to have for virtually characters. Every bit a result, these Unique items are also in-demand and their trading prices can range from the rarest mid-runes to loftier runes, depending on who's selling or who's buying. So stay awhile and listen because these Unique items are something that shouldn't be missed or sold to Charsi.

Updated December 20th, 2021, past Sid Natividad: Just as some Runewords take become function of the META in Diablo 2, and have been there for more a decade, so do some of the Diablo 2 Resurrected Unique items. Because the best Unique items in Diablo 2 Resurrected are those that complement the best and almost powerful Runewords.

Thus, it's fourth dimension to consider fifty-fifty more than of these Diablo ii Unique items. Nosotros've added more than in this update and some of them are too overpowered to be omitted. Make sure to hunt for these Diablo two Resurrected items while grinding for Enigma, Grief, or some of the more than favored Runewords as equipping these Unique items will make farming easier.

fifteen Annihilus

diablo clone event in d2r
  • +i To All Skills
  • +10-20 To All Attributes
  • All Resistances +10-20
  • +5-ten% To Experience Gained

Information technology's the only Unique Modest Charm in Diablo 2 Resurrected and a word of advice: do not strive for this item without the almost optimal Runeword or other Unique items for a build. Because in whatsoever build, Annihilus is usually the terminal piece that will enable min-maxing. It'south non terribly overpowered nor build-enabling, but information technology's a practiced cherry-on-top of an almost complete build.

Also, the Annhilus is i of the most expensive Diablo 2 Unique items. Players tin can subcontract for it themselves simply information technology requires around a hundred Stones of Jordan sold to a merchant in a particular IP Accost zone to spawn the Diablo Clone that will drop it. That's an expensive price of admission.

14 Hellfire Torch

uber tristram in d2r
  • 5% Risk to cast level 10 Firestorm on attack
  • +3 to (Random Grade) Skill Levels
  • +10-20 to All Attributes
  • All Resistances +10-xx%
  • +8 to Light Radius
  • Level 30 Hydra (x Charges)

Truth be told, the Hellfire Torch tin can sometimes be more desirable than the Annihilus. Both are charms only the Hellfire Torce is a Large Charm and occupies 2 inventory slots. The fundamental difference is that information technology can be cheap depending on the stat rolls.

Hence, it's appropriate to get this charm equally before long equally possible. Information technology'due south grade-specific simply there are tons of them in the in-game economy, making them affordable. Players can besides farm for this item themselves for a guaranteed drop but they will need to fight the most difficult bosses in the game (Uber bosses).

13 Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band

Barbarian Whirlwind Skill Tree Featured Diablo 2 Resurrected
  • +1 To All Skills
  • + (0.five Per Character Level) 0-49 To Life (Based On Character Level)
  • 3-5% Life Stolen Per Hitting
  • +50 Maximum Stamina

Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band is the Life counterpart of Stone of Jordan (whereas that one focuses on Mana). Thus, this ring is ameliorate suited for melee characters or non-spellcasters. Sadly, those classes pale in comparison to spellcasters in terms of impairment; that makes this ring more affordable than the Rock of Jordan.

Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band being underrated is a practiced thing though. Information technology'south easier to obtain and offers a considerable boost to character Life. Of course, the biggest bonus here is the Skill increment as information technology helps a lot in min-maxing and squeezing every drop of harm out of a build.

12 Andariel's Visage

  • +100-150% Enhanced Defense
  • +2 To All Skills
  • xx% Increased Attack Speed
  • 8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit
  • +25-xxx To Forcefulness
  • +10% To Maximum Poison Resist
  • Fire Resist -30%
  • Poison Resist +70%
  • fifteen% Chance To Cast Level 15 Poisonous substance Nova When Struck
  • Level 3 Venom (20 charges)

Who'd have thought that Andariel's mask would be ane of the Diablo 2 best Unique items for mercenaries? Andariel'south Visage's generous Set on Speed increase combined with the Life leech mod tin can brand mercenaries functionally immortal every bit long as they can keep attacking.

Every other stat also helps (minus the Burn down Resist penalty). Heck, some builds can even equip Andariel'due south Visage themselves thanks to the +2 To All Skills. The punishment to Burn down Resist is easily nullified if one plugs a Ral Rune in this helmet then it virtually has no downside.

11 Dracul'due south Grasp

smiter paladin from d2r
  • +90-120% Enhanced Defense
  • +10-xv To Strength
  • +5-10 Life After Each Kill
  • 25% Chance of Open up Wounds
  • 7-x% Life Stolen Per Hit
  • v% Chance To Cast Level 10 Life Tap On Striking

The truthful endgame in Diablo ii is Uber Tristram where players take to kill Uber versions of Diablo, Baal, and Mephisto in lodge to get Hellfire Torches. Runewords or Unique weapons with Crushing Accident tin can take intendance of those guys with ease, making survivability the only claiming remaining.

For that, Dracul's Grasp is an ideal and carefree option. It'south the Life Tap trigger that tin make any melee graphic symbol immortal. It merely so happens that Smiter Paladins or Frenzy Barbarians are the best at taking down Uber bosses fast. Without a Dracul's Grasp or whatsoever user-friendly source of Life Tap, they'll exist sitting ducks. And so consider getting one of these for Uber running.

10 Mara's Kaleidoscope

  • +two To All Skills
  • All Resistances +20-thirty
  • +5 To All Attributes

It doesn't present players with a wall of text only that's enough for some since Mara'southward Kaleidoscope is virtually mandatory for Hell difficulty cheers to its generosity. Its almost valuable stat, of course, is the resistance bonus which is the most important defensive stat for Hell.

Meanwhile, Mara'due south Kaleidoscope also serves as a bang-up placeholder skill amulet for any form or build until players get their class-specific crafted or rare skill amulets. The merely caveat is the wasted stat bonus for the attributes but players can consider that a freebie.

ix Arachnid Mesh

  • +90-120% Enhanced Defence
  • Slows Target By x%
  • +1 To All Skills
  • +20% Faster Bandage Rate
  • Increases Maximum Mana 5%
  • Level 3 Venom (eleven Charges)

Speaking of skill additions, they're oft sought-after because they're a straight way to increase a build's damage. Hence, Arachnid Mesh fits perfectly for virtually builds. It's one of the few belts that really give a bonus to all skills, making it feasible for whatever class.

Granted, it's a caster-focused armor slice but some not-caster classes volition nonetheless do good from that Faster Cast Charge per unit especially if they run an Enigma armor. I also tin can't sleep on that target debuff since combined with cold impairment and Decrepify, it can turn bosses into slow-burn jokes.

8 Harlequin Crest

  • +2 To All Skills
  • +1-148 To Life (+one.five Per Graphic symbol Level)
  • +1-148 To Mana (+1.5 Per Character Level)
  • Impairment Reduced By 10%
  • 50% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
  • +ii To All Attributes

The most sought-after Unique items are the ones that requite out hefty bonuses to all skills. Harlequin Crest is the best in the helm department for that matter. Truth be told, it's quite hard to replace, making it one of the most expensive helms in the game.

Apart from the skill bonus, information technology too presents players with valuable defensive options the meatiest of which is the damage reduction. 1 likewise can't say no to that additional Magic Notice bonus, making the "Shako" an ultimate versatile Unique.

seven Crown Of Ages

  • +l% Enhanced Defence
  • +100-150 Defence force
  • +1 To All Skills
  • Damage Reduced Past 10-15%
  • All Resistances +twenty-thirty
  • +thirty% Faster Hit Recovery
  • Socketed (1-2)
  • Indestructible

If there was ane captain that might requite ole Shako a run for its gold, it would be Crown of Ages. It lags a bit backside on the skill bonus but more than makes upwards for it when it comes to defensive buffs. Impairment reduction, hit recovery, resistances, and some additional sockets for an Um rune in instance 1 needs more resists.

In any instance, Crown of Ages is something that volition significantly boost any class or any build's survivability. The fact that one doesn't really wait something similar that from a helm makes Crown of Ages quite irreplaceable.

6 War Traveler

Barbarian in diablo holding a giant axe
  • +150-190% Enhanced Defense
  • 25% Faster Run/Walk
  • +x To Vitality
  • +10 To Strength
  • Adds 15-25 Damage
  • 40% Slower Stamina Drain
  • Attacker Takes Damage Of five-ten
  • 30-50% Better Adventure of Getting Magic Items

It's a bit tamer compared to the previous stellar options just State of war Traveler has its own strengths and uses. Moreover, boots don't usually get a stat combination this proficient. The run and walk speed bonus is a little too average merely the aspect addition can prove to be valuable.

For 1, State of war Traveler tin fill in for other items' Force requirements. The slower Stamina drain is somewhat unneeded particularly late-game when Stamina isn't really a trouble anymore, only it's nonetheless appreciated nonetheless. For Magic Find? War Traveler is one of the best boots available.

five Peel Of The Vipermagi

  • +120% Enhanced Defense
  • +1 To All Skills
  • 30% Faster Cast Rate
  • Magic Damage Reduced Past 9-13
  • All Resistances +20-35

Skin of the Vipermagi is one of the least expensive weapons here and for some, information technology might not even be endgame material. However, its stats and perks make it difficult to replace every bit it can fifty-fifty compete with good Runewords.

That besides makes this caster-focused armor the next logical step one time players are ready to graduate from their Stealth Runeword body armor. The low-level requirement certainly helps and the Defense isn't as well bad. For casters, this one is probable mandatory until they can get Bondage of Laurels or Enigma.

4 Magefist

diablo 2 resurrected play with friends
  • +xx-30% Enhanced Defense
  • +x Defense
  • +ane To Burn down Skills
  • +xx% Faster Cast Rate
  • Regenerate Mana 25%
  • Adds 1-6 Burn Damage

Probably the cheapest detail hither since players can buy it for some fairly common mid-runes, Magefist is a caster's best-in-slot weapon. Why information technology'due south here is due to the fact that not playing a caster class is a handicap in Diablo 2 since they make for the near efficient item and Runeword farmers.

The offset step in making them viable is grabbing a pair of these gloves. Information technology'due south the Faster Bandage Rate that sells it well and non much else. The Fire Skills bonus works simply for a few caster builds such every bit Holy Burn Paladin, Fireball Sorceress, and Corpse Explosion Necromancer. Those are three of the most overpowered starter builds though so having a Magefist is good for posterity'southward sake.

three Arkaine'south Valor

Diablo 2 Resurrected tyrael in act 2 cinematic closing tomb door
  • +150-180% Enhanced Defense
  • +1-two To All Skills
  • + (0.5 Per Character Level) 0-49 To Vitality (Based On Character Level)
  • xxx% Faster Striking Recovery
  • Damage Reduced By 10-15

If players are looking to graduate from their Vipermagi leather just aren't rich enough to afford some top armor Runewords, then Arkain'due south Valor might be a good investment. Information technology's too one of the few body armors in the game that grant skill bonuses.

The Defense stat is also huge and can add up to more than than 1,400 points, which is higher than some Runewords. As a cherry on top, the damage reduction bonus is simply stellar. Add it up with a belt-similar String of Ears forth with Crown of Ages and ane can await a melee character to be more than unkillable than someone wearing the Immortal King set.

2 Raven Frost

diablo 2 resurrected technical alpha screenshot
  • +150-250 to Assault Rating
  • +15-45 Common cold Damage
  • +15-20 to Dexterity
  • +40 to Mana
  • Cold Blot 20%
  • Cannot Be Frozen

At offset glance, Raven Frost might look like a ring more suited for bow or melee builds thank you to the huge clamper of Attack Rating heave. But information technology has one of the most life-saving perks one can fit in a ring: Cannot Be Frozen.

Because getting inflicted with a cold status and and then Decrepified (in Chaos Sanctuary, among many places) will virtually e'er at least atomic number 82 to a useless character and at worst, death. The Dexterity bonus is also great for those looking to maximize their Block Adventure or Amazon builds eager for their weapons.

1 Rock Of Jordan

Diablo 2 Resurrected Running Into Mephisto On A Farming Run
  • +1 to All Skills
  • +25% Mana
  • +one-12 Lightning Damage
  • +twenty Mana

Stone of Jordan; SoJ for some, unicorn for many as it'due south a rare ring that Mephisto doesn't want to requite players until they've killed him several hundreds of times. Rings don't usually give universal skill bonuses so Stone of Jordan is ane of the best ways to clasp more impairment out of a build.

It's a min-maxers special tool, for that matter. Everything else is a skilful addition for whatsoever pulley build or character. Moreover, Stone of Hashemite kingdom of jordan has many uses, such as putting holes or sockets in already overpowered items.

Diablo ii: Resurrected is available on Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation four, PlayStation 5, Xbox 1, and Xbox Series X/Due south.

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