PokéStop Scanning is an opt-in feature that lets qualified Pokémon Get Trainers record a stream of images of PokéStops or Gyms and provide related information to Niantic, including the fourth dimension and location of the recording, how your phone moved while you were recording, and some general characteristics of your device.

Data gathered during PokéStop Scanning allows Niantic to generate authentic, dynamic iii-D maps of real-world objects, improving our understanding of how virtual objects persist, how they're grounded in specific locations and where they are in relation to each other. Basically, devices will better understand what they are looking at in social club to augment reality in real-time and let Niantic to explore and deliver new types of AR experiences, which require an accurate and upward-to-appointment 3-D map of the globe.

Supported Devices

  • iOS: PokéStop Scanning is bachelor on iPhone 6s and newer devices running iOS xi+.

  • Android: PokéStop Scanning is available on devices running Android vii.0+ and tin support Google Play Services for AR. Supported devices must install Google Play Services for AR from the Google Play Store. A list of supported devices can be found hither.


This feature is currently merely available for Trainers playing with supported devices who've reached level twenty. PokéStop Scanning is as well unavailable for Trainers with child accounts. PokéStop Scanning option won't be selectable in your app if y'all are ineligible to use the characteristic.

To scan a PokéStop:

  1. Go the PokéStop or Gym's details folio and tap the 3 dots in the upper right.


  3. Opt into the characteristic via the on-screen prompts if information technology's your kickoff fourth dimension recording a scan.

  4. Tap the record button to start scanning. Keep the object inside the frame, and slowly walk around the object if possible.

  5. Tap Upload Later or Upload Now to upload your PokéStop Scan.

Whatsoever PokéStop Scans you cull to send Niantic are automatically anonymized once uploaded to our secure servers, which includes extra privacy measures like blurring potentially recognizable objects like faces or license plates. Niantic doesn't collect or store whatever personal data in connection with this information, and it is not tied to specific player accounts. For more than information, delight read our privacy policy.

What we're looking for in a PokéStop Browse:

  • Ideal scanning candidates are those which you tin safely walk completely around, like statues and sculptures.

  • A 20-30-2d scan that keeps the object in the center of the frame and is visible from pinnacle to lesser inside the frame.

  • Maintain a consistent movement speed and altitude between y'all and the object.

  • If possible, walk a total 360 degrees around the object. If walking all the way around the object isn't possible, 180 degrees will still piece of work.

  • Scans taken in various environmental conditions (lighting at diverse times of day, different types of atmospheric condition, etc.).

While recording, prompts may announced on screen if issues with the quality of your scan are detected (i.e. low-cal is insufficient, motility is too deadening).

A few things to avoid, if possible:

  • Continuing stationary and making a circular hand move is non as useful as PokéStop Scans made while walking x or more steps from your starting position.

  • PokéStop Scans in extreme darkness may not include enough usable information.

  • Blurry PokéStop Scans. This tin sometimes be improved by wiping the lens, borer the PokéStop on-screen before scanning, or moving more slowly.

  • Additionally, while information technology'due south improve to upload PokéStop Scans without obstructions or people between the yous and the PokéStop, we understand that this is sometimes unavoidable. We automatically check every PokéStop Browse to mistiness faces, license plates, and other identifying information.

Hither are some guidelines on how to browse unlike types of PokéStops to provide the nigh useful information to our team:

  • Please stay aware of your surroundings. Retrieve to watch where you're moving.  Y'all can await abroad from the screen because keeping the PokéStop within the frame doesn't need to be perfect, and you lot tin can submit multiple Scans of that PokéStop.

  • The PokéStop should exist the principal focus of scans, simply information technology's also helpful to have some of the surrounding area included, peculiarly for smaller PokéStop. Specifically:

    • Point your camera towards the PokéStop while moving effectually information technology or nearly it. Consider moving in an orbit around the PokéStop. The orbit can be round, navigating effectually the attainable surfaces of the PokéStop, or it can be more broad, where you approach the PokéStop from a distance and scan it equally you arroyo.

    • Multiple PokéStop Scans of the same PokéStop assist us build amend AR maps, especially when taken from different viewpoints, at unlike times of day, and with dissimilar lighting conditions. More PokéStop Scanning coverage correlates with more places and times of day that AR features tin piece of work robustly.

    • PokéStop Scans of longer durations are typically easier to combine than many short PokéStop Scans.

    • Movement along public paths or walkways almost the PokéStop. While the main focus of the PokéStop Scan should be the PokéStop itself, please stay on public paths or walkways near the PokéStop or surrounding area.

  • Flat PokéStops (murals; memorial plaques; signage; etc.): Face the PokéStop and walk laterally from one side to the other. If the PokéStop itself is small-scale, like a memorial plaque on a bench, please scan the entire bench versus the memorial plaque only.

  • Medium-sized PokéStops (statues; playground structures; informational signs; etc.): Walk 360 degrees around the PokéStop, if possible.

  • Big PokéStops (historical edifice; athletic fields; etc.): While staying within range of the PokéStop, move laterally across the faces of the structure or building. Before starting your next PokéStop Scan of the same large PokéStop, take two steps dorsum to overlap your new PokéStop Scan with your previous 1. If the PokéStop is a park or athletic field, effort to focus on complimentary-standing elements that are most representative of that PokéStop. If you are able to continue PokéStop Scanning further, you can connect gratuitous-continuing elements by getting 2 or more of them filmed in the aforementioned PokéStop Scan.

For your condom, always be aware of your surroundings when you lot are scanning.

PokéStop Scanning FAQs

Are scans of PokéStops or Gyms used to determine if they are even so valid?
No, Niantic does non use AR scans to make up one's mind whether a PokéStop or Gym should be removed.

What practice I become for contributing?

Some PokéStops and Gyms accept an "AR Mapping" tag, which indicates that you lot'll receive an AR Mapping Field Research job when you spin their Photo Discs. You can receive in-game rewards for completing these tasks. Your contributions as well aid Niantic deliver new types of AR experiences in the time to come.

Practise I have to capture the entire object in the frame? What if the object is too big (for case, the tower of a edifice)?

If the object is also large or likewise far away to capture with a unmarried browse, try scanning the object with multiple scans, keeping some good overlap between each scan.

Tin can I browse the same object multiple times?

Yep. Endeavour taking videos at different times of the day or in unlike weather weather condition.

What if I get people/cars in my recording?

Faces and license plates will be obscured, merely try to capture the object without obstructions if information technology's possible to exercise so.

How do I upload videos later if I don't want to use my cellular data?

Tap the "Upload Later" push button and go to your Settings carte to upload when you're connected to Wi-Fi.

What happens when I submit a PokéStop Browse? Are PokéStop Scans accepted and rejected by reviewers, similar to PokéStop nominations?

PokéStop Scans aren't reviewed by players in the aforementioned manner PokéStop nominations are. Instead, they are candy automatically on Niantic's secure servers.